Grace Reformed Baptist Church News

By Rod Amberson |

Grace Reformed Baptist Church News

December 15, 2022
News for December 13, 2022 (view online)

Christmas Service

We will worship on Christmas Day in the afternoon. Floyd Gadd will preach on John 1:1-13.


If you are interested in Caroling after the service this coming Sunday, please remember to dress warmly.


We have copies of Hymns of Grace available for purchase, either in the pew edition or the chorded accompaniment loose-leaf edition. The price is $30 for the pew edition or $41 for the accompaniment edition. Please speak with Floyd.



Bible Text
Rod Amberson will preach on 1 Thessalonians 3:11-13

Song List
(222) Angels from the Realms of Glory
(239) While Shepherds Watched their Flocks
(229) Sing We Now of Christmas
(246) It Came Upon the Midnight Clear
(242) O Little Town of Bethlehem

Location: 139 Cannon Street (Sonlight CRC)
Time: 3:30 pm – 5:30 pm
Some are planning to go caroling around the neighborhood after the service.
fellowship following the service, feel free to bring a picnic supper


Messages in this Series


Library Resources
Gospel of Grace has a large library of e-books on their church website. They have confirmed that we (GRBC) may also use these resources. To look for titles, you can search from their website or through the CLZ Books app.

  • To access the e-library, click here and enter the password, “login.”
  • To access the library inventory from your phone:
    • Download the “CLZ Books” app from your app store
    • Login with user name “GOGF” and password “Library”
    • Once logged in, click on “Sync with CLZ Cloud” to ensure the book list is up -to-date.

Midweek Study
There is no midweek study on December 20 and 27.
When: Tuesdays at 7:00 pm
Where: 139 Cannon St

“QuizMeet” team practices are hosted on Thursdays. There is no QuizMeet practice on December 22 and 29.
When: Thursdays at 7:00 pm
Where: 139 Cannon St (Upstairs, Room 22)

E-Transfer Giving
For those desiring to give:


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