This coming Lord's Day is our potluck. Everyone is invited, welcome, and encouraged to attend and participate.
Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform
The Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform is an educational human rights organization dedicated to speaking out on behalf of the youngest and most vulnerable members of the human family.
CCBR will be coming to Regina in June, to do three public presentations on June 7, June 8, and June 13. GRBC would like to support this as much as possible. They will need a venue and would welcome hospitality.
The Baptist Catechism
Question 63: What is required in the fourth commandment?
Answer: The fourth commandment requireth the keeping holy to God such set times as He hath appointed in His word, expressly, one whole day in seven to be a holy sabbath to Himself.1
1 Exodus 20:8–11; Deuteronomy 5:12–14
Preparing For Sunday
139 Cannon St, Regina, SK
1:00 pm
Fellowship to follow after the service.
Order of Worship
Call to Worship
Opening Prayer
Worship in Song
Scripture Reading
Congregational Prayer
Preaching of the Word
Closing Hymn
The Lord's Supper
Latest Sermons
Prayer and Bible Study
GRBC on Signal Messenger
Here is the link to our GRBC Chat group on Signal Messenger. Please use this to encourage, build up, prayer for, and support one another.
For those desiring to give:
• E-transfer to offering@gracerb.ca
• Online at gracerb.ca/giving
• Cash/Cheque near the sanctuary doors