Spring 2024 Congregational Meeting
April 21, 2024
- Opening - Rod Amberson
- Report on Preaching - Floyd Gadd
- Rotation, Schedule, Pulpit supply
- Report on Music - Floyd Gadd
- Resources, Participation
- Report on Facilities - Rod Amberson
- Report on Finances - Rod Amberson
- Presenting the 2023 Financial Statement
- Outline of proposed 2024 Budget
- Open Floor for questions, comments, and suggestions not already addressed
- Closing - Floyd Gadd
1. Opening
2. Preaching
Since our establishment as a fully constituted church at the beginning of November, 2022, preaching has been shared on a rotating basis between our two elders, Rod Amberson and Floyd Gadd. We have completed a series of sermons on I & II Thessalonians, a short series in the Psalms, a series in Ezra & Nehemiah, with an interlude in Isaiah for Advent. We anticipate that our current series in Hebrews will take us through to April of next year.
The Bible Study continues with Dust to Glory. If there are any suggestions for where to go next, please let us know. We would like feedback on the bible study.
3. Music
4. Facilities
5. Finances

6. Questions
7. Closing
We closed with a reminder that this is Christ's church, subject to His word, and the witness of the Holy Spirit. Timing and details are in His hands and we trust Him with all things.
These meetings are to be a visible and tangible outworking of our commitment to be mutually submitted to each other. The Elders and Deacons will continue to report on these matters as a matter of stewardship and submission to the body of Christ expressed in this local church.