January 2, 2024

By Rod Amberson | January 2, 2024

Q46 – Where is the moral law summarily comprehended? We’ll continue at 1:00 for now. The Church App will be retired in January, so please get hooked up with Signal Messenger. If anyone has the time and inclination to help out with the Sonlight Building, please let us know. After we wrap up Nehemiah, we’ll go through Hebrews.

News December 18, 2023

By Rod Amberson | December 18, 2023

News November 5, 2023

By Rod Amberson | November 6, 2023

News November 6, 2023 News November 6, 2023 Memberships Sulley Winter and Aaron Cross have been put forward for membership. Potluck Next week, November 12, is our monthly potluck. Missions We have decided to assist Aaron Cross with expenses for work with Good News Ambassadors and Bibles for Muslims. As well, Tim Killillay and Family…

News October 16, 2023

By Rod Amberson | October 16, 2023

News October 16, 2023 News October 16, 2023 Memberships Shauna Casey and Sulley Winter are being put forward for membership. Please take a moment to visit with them and get to know them spiritually. Fall Members Meeting We seek to have a members meeting twice per year, in the spring and the fall, to gather…

News September 25, 2023

By Rod Amberson | September 25, 2023

News September 25, 2023 News September 25, 2023 Bibles for Muslims The update banquet for Bibles for Muslims and Aaron Cross scheduled for September 28.  For tickets and information, or if you are able to help set up during the day that Thursday, please contact Aaron (306-526-9630). For more information, see the invitation below. Bible…

News August 28, 2023

By Rod Amberson | August 28, 2023

News August 28, 2023 News August 28, 2023 Baptism We will have a baptism service this coming Sunday at the Funk residence (14 Federal Drive, White City). Elsy, Oliver, Arayah, Zion, Malakai, and Rylee will be baptized. Bible Studies There will be a mid-day bible study for the ladies beginning in September. Please ask Karen…

Preparing for Baptism

By Rod Amberson | July 24, 2023

Preparing for Baptism This resource is provided by Grace Reformed Baptist Church to assist in preparing for baptism. This includes helping to understand what baptism signifies, and to prepare a personal testimony. What is Baptism? The bible teaches that when a person repents of their sin and places their trust in Jesus Christ for the…

May 1, 2023

By Rod Amberson | May 1, 2023

News May 1, 2023 News May 1, 2023 Ladies Brunch There is a ladies brunch planned for Wednesday, May 3 at 9:30, at 139 Cannon St. Please contact Karen if you have any questions. Quiz Meet The final Quiz Meet of 2022-2023 is coming up this weekend at Millar College of the Bible at Pambrun,…

What’s in a Name?

By Rod Amberson | April 24, 2023

What’s in a name? Grace Reformed Baptist Church What’s in a name? A name is usually meant to convey some meaning, but it also be short enough to used regularly. In being sent to plant a church in Regina, it was our desire to be clear and up-front – “Grace Reformed Baptist Church” was a…

Grace Reformed Baptist Church News

By Rod Amberson | March 14, 2023

The notes from our Spring Congregational meeting are available here.
Floyd Gadd will preach on 2 Thessalonians 1:1-5
Question 9: How many persons are there in the Godhead?
Answer: There are three persons in the godhead, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one God, the same in essence, equal in power and glory.

september, 2024