April 16, 2024


Spring Congregational Meeting

We propose holding our Spring Congregational Meeting after the service on April 21. It is important that everyone make an effort to attend. If you have topics for the agenda, please let Rod or Floyd know.

The Baptist Catechism

Question 61: What is the reason annexed to the third commandment?

Answer: The reason annexed to the third commandment is, that however the breakers of this commandment may escape punishment from men, yet the Lord our God will not suffer them to escape his righteous judgment.1

1 1 Samuel 2:12, 17, 22, 29; 3:13; Deuteronomy 28:58–59

"Confessing the Faith" Conference

There has been a livestream option added for the "Confessing the Faith" Conference coming up at the end of April. You can sign up for the livestream here.

There is an excellent conference planned for April 26-27 in Chilliwack, BC. Dr. Jim Renihan and Dr. Richard Barcelos will be the main speakers. The topic will be "Of the Holy Scriptures", chapter one of the 1677/1689 Second London Baptist Confession of Faith. For more information, visit Free Grace Baptist Church.

Redeemer Reformation Church Spring Conference

Redeemer Reformation Church in Regina, SK, warmly extends an invitation to Grace Reformed Baptist Church to join us on April 27 & 28 for our Spring Theology Conference featuring Dr. Alan Strange.

Dr. Alan Strange will deliver three enlightening messages on Saturday, April 27, consisting of "What's So Great About the Great Commission? The Hope We Have in Christ", "How to Talk to Unbelievers", and "Divine Empowerment for the Church's Spiritual Mission: Not 'Mere Christendom' or ' Christian Nationalism'".

The venue will be Ecole St. Pius X School for the Saturday and Sunday of the conference. The registration fee is $20/person (18 years and older) and $10/person (12-17 years).

Preparing For Sunday

139 Cannon St, Regina, SK

1:00 pm

Fellowship to follow after the service.

Order of Worship

Call to Worship
Opening Prayer
Worship in Song
Scripture Reading
Congregational Prayer
Preaching of the Word
Closing Hymn
The Lord's Supper

Latest Sermons

Prayer and Bible Study

We meet on Tuesdays at Rod & Jo's house to pray and study the bible together. We are continuing with "Dust to Glory" Tuesdays at 7 pm at Rod & Jo’s house, 3570 Waddell Cres. The next lesson is Romans.


Audio is available here.

GRBC on Signal Messenger

Here is the link to our GRBC Chat group on Signal Messenger. Please use this to encourage, build up, prayer for, and support one another.


For those desiring to give:

• E-transfer to offering@gracerb.ca
• Online at gracerb.ca/giving
• Cash/Cheque near the sanctuary doors

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