January 29, 2024
January 22, 2024
GRBC Chat on Signal Messenger
Here is the link to our GRBC Chat group on Signal Messenger. Please use this to encourage, build up, prayer for, and support one another.
Quiz Meet
This weekend is the second Quiz Meet, at Faith Baptist Church in Regina. Registration starts at 6:30.
Sonlight CRC Building
There are a number of work items that are required for the building. This includes the possibility of upgrading the speaker wiring and/or sound system, roof repairs, security updates. If someone would be able to assist with the interface with Sonlight, please let Rod or Floyd know.
The Baptist Catechism
Question 50: Which is the first commandment?
Answer: The first commandment is, Thou shalt have no other gods before me.1
1 Exodus 20:3
This Upcoming Lord's Day
Sunday, January 28, 2024
1:00 pm
139 Cannon St, Regina, SK
Fellowship to follow after the service
Bible Text
Rod Amberson will preach on Hebrews 1:1-2.
Previous Sermons
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Bible Study
Bible Study
The bible study this week is at Rod & Jo's house (3570 Waddell Cres). The bible study is for everyone - if you don't regularly attend, we encourage you to re-evaluate.
We will continue with "Dust to Glory" Tuesdays at 7 pm at Rod & Jo's house, 3570 Waddell Cres.
Audio is available here.
E-transfer Giving
For those desiring to give:
• E-transfer to offering@gracerb.ca
• Online at gracerb.ca/giving
• Cash/Cheque near the sanctuary doors