A Bible-Believing, Christ-Centered Church
Grace Reformed Baptist Church is a Bible-believing, Christ-centered church committed to teaching and proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ from every part of the Bible. We are a community of people who gather together because we recognize our common need for God's grace. We worship regularly so we may give God praise, be built up by the Word of God, and encourage one another. It is our desire that all who come to Grace Reformed Baptist will cling to the Gospel of Jesus while pressing on toward greater Christian maturity.
Our Mission to Spread the Word
Everyone can see suffering and pain in the world. We can also see the evil in our own hearts. Jesus said that evil thoughts, sensuality, pride, envy - all sins - come from within (Mark 7:21-23). This sin separates us from the perfect God; we are not at peace with Him. God, in His love, sent His son Jesus. Jesus is the One Perfect Mediator between God and men. Only in Jesus can anyone be at peace with the Creator, escape His judgement, and be given eternal life.
In light of this, we are eager to spread the message of Jesus wherever and whenever we can.
We meet Sundays at 1:00 pm at 139 Cannon Street in Regina, SK (The building owned by Sonlight CRC).
Our time of worship lasts about 90 minutes. Our normal order of service is:
Call to Worship and Opening Prayer
Worship in Song
Scripture Reading
Congregational Prayer
Worship in Preaching
Closing Hymn or Psalm
The Lord's Table
Many of us stay to share fellowship together over coffee or tea, or we bring a snack or supper. We share a meal on the second Sunday of each month ("potluck" style).
Floyd Gadd - April 14, 2024
A Warning Against Unbelief
Scripture References: Hebrews 3:7-12